Life 101-.05: Life(now+T) = |Alive> + |Dead>

Living creatures keep struggling with their Hit Points (HP) all the times at least on their own lifespan. They try to minimize the HP depletion rates at all cost, for example by using some tricks (method) or tools to make what they gonna do easier thus reducing their HP (conserving energy) usage and raise their life likelihood.

Let's drag the tools term into our RPG analogy, in some RPG titles we need to maintain the durability level of our tools or equipment above zero. If we cannot maintain that level (increased entropy level), the tools cannot be used, do not give its functions, or simply destroyed instead. To maintain that durability level (keeping the entropy low) we could try repair (directly) the tools before it destroyed, so we need to make a direct contact with the tools and sometimes we need to change the part of the tools (manipulating open system).

Maintaining the durability level is analogue with keeping the entropy low.

To minimize even further the HP usage, living creatures thinks there must be some way that can be done to make the tools piloting itself, passively or actively. If we try to hunt some monsters we may set some traps or towers that can attack to make the hunt job easier. The trap itself is kind of passive self-drive tools that we do not issuing some commands directly, it just works after we set it. The active self-drive tools for example is in game pets that controlled by some program code (actually it is some kind of Artificial Intelligence). The pets will act according to the program code we wrote for them. In this case we need to classify the pets as non living creatures ._.v.

If they hungry they will take the designated food from our inventory bag to maintain its hunger level, auto drink potion to maintain their HP, etc (self-drive for keeping low entropy state). We need to prepare what it needs to make the self-drive mechanism works well or it simply broken, unlike living creatures that likely still try struggling on their own to sustain their HP not fully depleted at all costs. Long story, thus making their descendants have higher adaptability to their environments caused by evolution phenomena which the tools currently cannot.

That script is classified as static AI, there exists AI that act based on trained data and further advancement could make it adapt to the data they observes (some kind of real-time data from equipped sensors) thus making decisions on their own. The one which have the capabilities to adapt is likely to try what living creatures already do, minimize the durability (or HP) depletion rate like in the evolution cases which the organisms adapt to raise their life likelihood. The tools live on its own which is sounds crazy and actually had already been predicted to be happen in the future (near or far). They may prepare what they needs on their own, thus completely do not need any living creatures help.

Layman's terms

To keep the entropy of autonomous technologies low without violating the second law of thermodynamics the requirement needed is we could modify the technologies for example by change its broken part or whatsoever to maintain it in good shape thus the technologies is not isolated from outside its own system. If in case the technologies is more advanced we just need to prepare what it needs, if the advancements is much more than that, it could maintain itself and there big possibilities that we will doomed at the time if we could not beat it.

Are we a kind of technology that has been left by "something" before us?

p.s.: the previous posts won't be edited for now.
